Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the method is designed for anyone to be able to train. And if you have questions, we have a professional in animal behavior available to answer them.
The fastest and most peaceful way to solve behavioral problems that occur with most puppies.
Training a Puppy is Totally Possible
Many people get puppies to care for but are unaware of the amount of care and teaching necessary for the pet, and end up suffering from the puppy’s bad behaviors:
But stay calm, this type of behavior is normal and expected from puppies; they are going through a learning and socialization phase. By applying the intelligent training methodology, it is possible to solve all these problems.
100% online video lessons, focused on practical activities.
See What Students Say…
In addition to solving these situations, you will learn how to:
The New Structure of the Puppy Course
The Environment Pillar is one of the most important at this stage and will ensure peace in your home.
In it, I provide guidance on how to organize the house gradually, without you having to rush to prepare everything.
The idea is to adapt as the puppy becomes more comfortable and learns some behaviors.
In the Behavior Pillar, I show how to teach the puppy various cool habits that help with coexistence.
Like playing with their own toys, using the pee pad, and some important commands like “sit,” “come,” “lie down,” and “stay.”
In the Self-Control Pillar, you will learn how to teach your puppy to control themselves and respect limits in various situations, ensuring their safety and that of the whole family.
As well as other animals in the house or those they may encounter.
Last but not least, we have the Socialization Pillar, which will ensure that your puppy experiences everything they will encounter in life positively, avoiding many behavioral problems in the future.
Access to the Complete Puppy Course
When you have a puppy at home, everything happens at once.
In other words, they won’t wait for you to watch the biting lesson before they start biting.
Not to mention that most people don’t have time to prepare the house as soon as they get the puppy, which makes everything even more chaotic.
So, in this new version of the course, I have separated everything you should do in each of the 4 weeks that make up the first month of the puppy in your home.
And within each week, we will work on 4 pillars simultaneously: environment, behavior, self-control, and socialization.
“Alexandre has a wonderful didactic approach to convey his knowledge clearly and objectively.”
“Excellent, the course is quite didactic. It helped me a lot!”
“I had results right in the first lesson, which was even free. I recommend it!”
“Objective course, with the biggest problems we face and very clear and assertive tips.”
Who Will You Learn From?
Alexandre Rossi, known as Dr. Pet, is a specialist in animal behavior (University of Queensland), Zootechnician, and Master in Psychology (USP), as well as a veterinarian (FMU). He is also a member of the Animal Welfare Council of CRMV-SP and the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT).
Throughout his career, he has worked and conducted research on pets and other animals in various countries. In Brazil, he created the Intelligent Training method and founded Cão Cidadão, the largest training franchise in Latin America, now part of the Petz ecosystem.
In parallel, he has presented several segments on TV, such as “Dr. Pet” (aired on Domingo Espetacular, on TV Record). Currently, he presents the “Encontro Pet” segment on Encontro with Patrícia Poeta, on TV Globo. Dr. Pet also gives lectures, participates in events related to animal behavior, and is the author of seven books and several training courses.
But he doesn’t do this alone! Along with his furry children, Barthô and the kitten Miah (not forgetting the dear Estopinha, who recently passed away!), he is a great reference on the subject, whether sharing scientific knowledge or more relaxed tips with tutors.
Yes, the method is designed for anyone to be able to train. And if you have questions, we have a professional in animal behavior available to answer them.
Copyright © 2021 – ALEXANDRE ROSSI | all rights reserved